Bed Bug Exterminator in West London

Bed Bug exterminator in West London and surrounding areas

Goodwin Environmental provides bed bug treatment and bed bug exterminator services 24/7 in West London and surrounding area.
Our recommendation is that you call in a professional pest controller who will assess your situation, report back to you and carry out the right treatment so that you will be bed bug free as soon as possible.
Give us a call NOW, request a free quote or request a call back.
bed bug

An adult bedbug is an insect that is oval, flat around 3mm wide by 5mm long usually found on the bed frame and on the mattress.
It is red or dark brown in color and it is a common pest in the UK.
Bedbugs have the “habit” of biting people and feed on their blood which can cause severe irritation in some cases.

The good news is that the studies carried out on bedbugs have shown that they do not carry or spread diseases.

The bad news is that they can be brought inside your property very easily if you visit another property that is infested already.

The way they travel is by crawling: crawling on your clothes, on a piece of furniture, on your suitcase, etc…

Some signs of a bed bugs infestation are:

blood stains on the mattress,
blood stains on the bed frame,
bites on your skin,
itching of your skin
or live bedbugs crawling on your bed,

Don’t hesitate to give us a call !


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