As carriers of disease, insects can be a major threat to public health. Insects can spread bacteria, viruses, and protozoans that cause diseases in humans. These insects are known as vectors. They pick up pathogens while feeding on the blood of an infected person or animal. The insect then acts as a living syringe to transfer the disease-causing pathogen to the next person or animal it bites. Mosquitoes and flies are common vectors of diseases like malaria, Lyme disease, dengue fever, West Nile virus, and Zika virus.
Once a vector bites a host carrying a disease-causing pathogen, it may take several days for the pathogen to multiply within the insect’s body and reach a level that can be transmitted through a bite to another host. During this time, the insect is called an incubator reservoir. When infective levels are reached, the insect becomes an active vector. In some instances, only female insects spread disease because they need blood to produce eggs.
Ingestion of infected food
The most common way people get sick from insects is through accidental ingestion of infected food, which insect feces or other body parts have contaminated. Insects may leave feces directly on fruits and vegetables that are consumed raw.
In a classic experiment, researchers found that flies landing on a piece of discarded pizza left behind traces of E. coli bacteria after just two minutes. Flies also regurgitate digestive juices onto food as they feed because their mouths are not adapted for chewing; these juices contain harmful microorganisms that can sicken people who consume them.
Insects such as flies and cockroaches can carry harmful foodborne pathogens, such as E.Coli and Salmonella, on their legs and mouthparts. When these insects crawl on food products, these pathogens get transferred to the food. This makes it important for you to ensure that you don’t leave food out for too long without covering it. That’s because flies and other insects need only a few minutes to contaminate the food once it is exposed.
Direct contact with infected human skin
Insects can also spread bacteria through contact with infected skin, for example, if someone has a wound infected with staphylococcus. In such cases, flies can land on the wound and then pass on the bacteria to other wounds or open sores. This process of infection is known as mechanical transmission.
Some bacteria, such as E. coli, are usually carried by insects in the gut. If the insect feeds on an infected person, that bacteria can be transferred during feeding. Therefore, if the insect moves on to feed on another person, they may be at risk of infection.
Direct contact with a contaminated surface
Many insects pick up bacteria from the surfaces they walk on, but some can then transfer those pathogens to foods that we eat. The most effective food poisoning culprits are flies and cockroaches, spreading bacteria such as E. coli and cholera.
These insects are generally attracted to moist areas where they can find their preferred food source of decaying organic matter. They have large numbers of very short legs with sticky pads on end, meaning they are particularly adept at walking over food and other surfaces without losing their footing.
The insects’ legs also carry sticky pads between each set of segments which secrete a waxy substance that makes it easier for them to walk over rough surfaces, such as rotting fruit or vegetables, without getting caught up on bumpy sections.
The bottom line
Insects spread bacteria through their contact with foods. They also carry bacteria in their bodies and contaminate foods by depositing their feces during feeding. These activities can lead to contamination by pathogens that can cause foodborne illnesses.
In the end, it’s always vital to be careful around unfamiliar insects. If you think you might have an insect infestation, it’s best to get in touch with a professional to deal with it. Thankfully, our exterminators at Goodwin Environmental can take care of any pest problem, whether it be a cockroach infestation or another type of insect. Contact us today to learn more about our services!