How dangerous are pigeon droppings?

How dangerous are pigeon droppings?
Pigeons are one of the most common birds on the planet, but that doesn’t mean they’re not a threat to your health and property. Pigeon droppings can make you sick, and they can cause your building’s materials to deteriorate.
The good news is that there are many pigeon control methods, from netting solutions to ultrasonic deterrents. The best solution is professional guano removal service when it comes to cleaning up the mess.
In this article, we’ll go over what happens when pigeon droppings accumulate in your building so you can understand why it’s essential to clean them up as soon as possible.

Pigeon droppings can cause ocular and respiratory issues.

While a cute bird pooping on your head might be the stuff of folklore, it’s a genuine concern and can have lasting health effects. According to Dr Richard Siegel, professor emeritus of Pathology at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, pigeon droppings and feathers can lead to eye infections. Furthermore, if you inhale dust from dried pigeon poop over a long period, you could develop severe lung infections that cause scarring. These symptoms can lead to respiratory issues like chronic bronchitis or emphysema.

Pigeon droppings can damage building facades.

Pigeon droppings can still cause damage to buildings. The nitrogen and ammonia in the droppings can react with other chemicals in the environment to create an ammonium carbonate mixture, which is corrosive enough to damage both mortar and wood. On top of that, the birds themselves can bring several diseases into your home or yard through their feathers or feet.

Pigeon droppings are breeding grounds for pathogens.

Pigeon droppings are a breeding ground for pathogens like salmonella, cryptococcosis, and toxoplasmosis. These diseases can be spread to pets and humans who come into contact with them. Exposure can cause allergic reactions or pneumonia in some people. If you have a pigeon infestation, your priority is to eliminate it before it gets out of hand.You may also need pigeon- proofing services to prevent future infestastions.

It’s wise to remove pigeon guano from your property

If you have many pigeon droppings on your property, it may be time to have them removed by professionals. It’s wise to remove pigeon guano from your property for several reasons:
• Pigeon droppings are unsightly and can become a nuisance if not dealt with quickly. They also attract other pigeons because they consider it a safe nesting place.
• Pigeon waste is highly acidic and can cause damage to building facades, monuments, statues, vehicles and machinery. It also increases the risk of slips, trips and falls.
• If inhaled in large quantities or over long periods, pigeon waste may be hazardous to human health.

The Bottom Line

Pigeons are probably the most commonly known avian species that can cause health problems to humans. While pigeon droppings are non-toxic, they can host some pretty nasty diseases. You’re most likely to contract one of these diseases when dry droppings are disturbed, stirring up bacteria and fungi into the air. This can happen when people walk through roosting areas or try to clean up large amounts of droppings without the proper protection.
If you have a problem with pigeons or their droppings on your property, please do not hesitate to contact Goodwin Environmental today! We’ll help you get rid of the pigeons to get back to business as usual.

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