Pigeons can cause several problems when they get underneath your solar panels. They leave droppings that can block sunlight from reaching the panel, and they will also create nests that will collect rainwater and snow that can damage roof tiles, the roof structure, and the underside of the solar panels.
In the last few years, there’s been an increase in solar panels being installed on houses across the UK. But one problem with solar panels is that birds, including pigeons and seagulls, can sometimes nest under them. This can cause a whole range of problems.
So what can you do if you have pigeons nesting under your solar panels? Here are some tips for keeping your property pigeon-free!

1. Properly cleaning your solar panels

You’re going to want to clean your solar panels at least once a month, especially after a storm. Pressure washers are not suitable for your panels, so use soft water and elbow grease instead. A good time to do this is early in the morning when the sun isn’t up yet. You don’t want to be cleaning them when they’re hot, and it could cause damage to other parts of your system

2. Installing a bird spike strip on your solar panel racking

• The spike strip is used in addition to pigeon netting and is fastened to the top of solar panel racks.
• The spike strip can either be glued or screwed into position, depending on your variety. Most types are small enough that they won’t be visible once installed.
• This will stop birds from sitting on your solar panel racking, where they may soil or damage your panels with their feet, as well as stop them from perching while they build a nest above your roof.

3. Installing pigeon netting

Pigeon netting is a highly versatile solution for preventing pigeons from roosting in solar panel arrays. Pigeon netting can be installed beneath the panels or in between them, and it will prevent pigeons from entering the voids created by the panel’s construction. It does not obstruct the effectiveness of the solar panels and is lightweight and long-lasting. Periodic visual inspections of the netting are recommended to ensure no damage has occurred, but generally, this method is highly effective at keeping pigeons out of your solar panels.

4.Pigeon nest removal

If pigeons have made a nest under your solar panels, you’ll need to contact a pigeon removal expert as soon as possible. An infestation of pigeons can cause severe damage to your solar panels and even the roof of your building. A qualified pigeon control technician will have the proper tools and training to safely and effectively remove the nest without harming you, the pigeons, or your property.

The Bottom Line

Solar panels are a fantastic investment for your home, but they can attract some unwelcome winged guests if pigeon-proofing measures aren’t taken. Pigeons cause damage and expense to solar panels. Their fouling can damage the cells within the panel, but it is also a fire hazard.
Solar panels are the perfect nesting spot for pigeons, providing shelter and warmth. However, with proper solar panels proofing, you can make your solar panels less attractive to pigeons.
Goodwin Environmental is an experienced team of pest control experts with several pigeon-proofing solutions perfect for homes, gardens, and businesses. Our bird control solutions will help prevent pigeons from nesting under your solar panels without harming the birds themselves. To find out more about our services and how we can help you get rid of pigeons in your home or business, contact us today!

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