Summer pest problems and how to solve them

Summer is the time of the year when you can sit back, relax and enjoy the weather. Unfortunately, summer also brings some major pest problems that can ruin your fun. Here are some common summer pest problems and how to solve them:


Ants need water, food, and shelter to survive. If you find ants inside your home, they may be coming from outside through cracks and crevices around windows and doors. The key to controlling ants is to find their point of entry and seal it up so they can’t get in. If there is an ant mound near your home, it can be treated with an insecticide. An insecticide containing permethrin will kill most ants within 24 hours when sprayed directly on them.

Stinging insects

Insect stings can range from mildly annoying to downright painful depending on which type of insect you encounter and how many times it stings you. To prevent stinging insects from making your life miserable, keep them out of your yard by keeping lawns and gardens tidy.

Bed bugs

Bed bugs are tiny blood-sucking insects that live in beds, couches, and other furniture. They can cause itchy bites that will leave red welts on your skin. If you have bed bugs, you may see or feel the insects or eggs (usually a rusty-white color) in your home. Call a pest control company immediately if you think you have bed bugs! If you try to handle the problem yourself, it could get worse and cost you more money in the long run.
Bees, wasps, and hornets
The warm weather brings out bees, wasps, and hornets. These flying insects are attracted to sweet foods like sodas, fruit juices, and other food on the picnic table or in an open cooler. Keep the food covered or inside until it’s time to eat to keep these pests away from your outdoor meals. If you have a beehive or wasp nest in your backyard, it’s important to call a pest exterminator who can safely remove it.


Cockroaches are a common pest in the summer, and they can be found in sewers, drains, basements, and other dark places. They are attracted to food and water sources. If you have cockroaches in your home or business, they may be coming from somewhere near your property, like a sewer line or drainage system. Cockroaches can carry bacteria and viruses that can cause allergies and asthma attacks if inhaled by humans or pets. You should contact a cockroach pest control expert if you spot cockroaches around your home or business. This is usually an indication of something much larger in your property.


Flies are attracted to garbage, dead animals, and fruit. Flies can spread disease and can be a nuisance. You can control flies by keeping garbage in sealed containers, keeping food covered (especially when cooking), and using flypaper or traps for the ones that get into your home.


Mosquitoes are a big problem in the summer. They’re more of a problem in the summer because they breed faster and are more active (not to mention that it’s warm enough for them to be out). Mosquito control is important—mosquitoes can transmit diseases like West Nile Virus, Zika virus, malaria, etc.
Mosquitoes are more likely to bite people with type A blood than those with other blood types. If you have type A, O or B blood and want some relief from mosquitoes during your outdoor activities this summer, try using an insect repellent containing DEET or picaridin before heading outside!

Summer Pest Control Pro Tips

• Place ant bait stations near the ants’ primary source of food.
• Cover food items and dispose of any garbage or dirty dishes immediately.
• Use fly traps to trap flies in areas not wanted, such as near food preparation areas or garbage cans.
• Cover trash cans with lids to prevent food odors from attracting pests.
• Clear drains regularly so that water can flow freely without clogging up with debris which may attract pests into your home.
• Close windows, doors, and other openings in your home during the summer months when it is hot outside to keep flying insects out of your house and off of you!
• Cover pet bowls with a lid when not in use so that pets cannot access their food sources or make sure there is no water on the ground nearby where rodents could drink from it.
So do you have a pest problem this summer? Then call in the experts! Goodwin Environmental UK offers a comprehensive suite of pest control services, from something as simple as a single visit from a Pest Control Officer to regular treatments.

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