What is pest control?

Pest control is a process of eradication or management of a species known as pest that has entered or is willing to enter a human property or territory. Some of the vermin removed by pest control are rodents (rats, mice, squirrels, etc.), insects (bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, woodworm, wasps, etc.), birds (pigeons, seagulls, starlings, etc.) and many more.It is a natural instinct for people to be worried when a pest occurs because it can bring serious problems like property damage and also health issues.Pests are destructive animals or insects that affect human activity in a bad way. They can spread very rapidly and before you notice, there is already an infestation. This is the reason why people want to get rid of them as soon as they see pests within the household or business premises. There are many different kinds of pests and every situation is different. So the way we deal with pests as professionals depends on a number of factors like the size of the infestation or the nature of the pest we are dealing with.Below is the list of pests we often see in our homes or business establishment. Also, know the damage or harm they cause to our health and properties. Remember, these are not all kinds of pests we need to be aware of. But they are the most common kinds of creatures we normally encounter on a day to day basis:

  • Cockroaches are common pests in the UK and their numbers only increase year by year. The cockroaches are very fast scavenging insects that look like a beetle, they have long antennae and legs and a broad, flattened body. A few tropical kinds have become established in the UK as household pests. The most common species in the UK are the Oriental cockroach and German cockroach. Cockroaches don’t cause property damage but could bring health issues to humans. They can trigger asthma attacks, allergies, and spread many kinds of bacteria.
  • Ants are social insects that live in large colonies and groups. Ants love sweets but they eat almost everything like meat, vegetables, oil, and fats. They are a carrier of different bacteria like Salmonella, Streptococcus, and shigella. They can transfer them to open wounds or food.
  • Rodents – Everyone knows them for their teeth or incisors that continuously grow. Most rodents prefer to eat grains, seeds and fruits, while some are omnivores who like to eat animal products too. These creatures can damage your car engines, furniture, walls, pipes, and can even burn your house down by chewing electrical wires! Rats and mice belong to this group and they chew electric wires which could cause a fire. Some of the diseases that rodents can spread are: Leptospirosis, Plague, Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, Salmonellosis and Lassa Fever.
  • Termites are small insects that can chew floors, woods and wallpapers. They could bring serious respiratory illnesses like asthma, and other skin conditions.
  • Bed bugs – An adult bedbug is an insect that is oval, flat around 3mm wide by 5mm long usually found on the bed frame and on the mattress. It is red or dark brown in color and it is a common pest in the UK. Bedbugs have the “habit” of biting people and feed on their blood which can cause severe irritation in some cases.
  • Ticks & fleas are the most common parasites that attack our pets like cats and dogs. They are known to be the second vectors of human disease. These creatures can transmit diseases like plague, typhus, cat scratch fever, and flea-borne spotted fever through bites.

Hiring pest control professionals to take care of your pest issue is always a better approach than trying to solve it yourself. These experts are often called pest control technicians, exterminators and even funny names like “rat man” or “wasp man” and the list goes on… But what is actually important is that they possess the right skills and knowledge to completely eradicate these creatures in the most effective way!

Get the job done right with Goodwin Environmental pest control services having a proven track record!

Give us a call today if you have a pest issue!

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